niedziela, 15 września 2024

LXC - let's get started

I know that everyone uses Docker but sometimes you have to take care of some legacy server where you have, for example, LXC container in which your client runs a Docker container (I know it's weird).

Le'ts imagine you have in you LXC container a device which is mounted as "/var/lib/docker" path. You don't have enough space on it and you don't want to restart the server or even LXC daemon. Let's just replace it.

Add a new device:
lxc storage create new-device btrfs size=100GB

Add a new volume to the device:
lxc storage volume create new-device volume

Then we have get into the LXC container and stop the Docker daemon:
lxc exec lxc-container -- /bin/bash
systemctl stop docker

Disable the previous device from the LXC container:
lxc config device remove lxc-container old-device

Add the new device:
lxc config device add lxc-container some-name disk pool=new-device path=/var/lib/docker source=volume

Run the Docker daemon in the container.

Some additional useful commands:

  • storage list: "lxc storage list",
  • what connected device your container has: "lxc config show container-name --expanded",
  • run a LXC container with a given profile and image: "lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 container-name -p default",
  • run containers: "lxc list",
  • stop and remove a container: "lxc stop container-name", "lxc delete container-name",
  • information about a storage: "lxc storage show storage-name",
  • list the volumes in a storage: "lxc storage volume list storage-name",
  • remove a volume from a storage: "lxc storage volume delete storage-name volume-name",
  • remove a storage: "lxc storage delete storage-name".