Let's pretend you have a new computer after you joined to a new company and you have to setup everything from scratch.
Usually I use macOS but it suits to a Linux machine even.
This is how my starting pack looks like:
- Chrome browser (on my private machine I use Vivaldi but this is because many companies has Google Workspace),
- Homebrew (a package manager),
- KeePassXC (a password manager),
- iTerm2 (a terminal emulator with a terminal split),
- Oh My Zsh (manage your Zsh shell),
- Visual Studio Code:
- Terraform extension,
- YAML extension,
- Hashicorp HCL extension,
- GitHub Copilot,
- desktop ChatGPT,
- a GitHub account (I don't use my personal account but I create an account per company because sometime they want you to setup something additional what you maybe don't want),
- aws-vault (store and access your AWS credentials),
- kubectl:
- kubectl completion,
- kubectx,
- add to "~/.zshrc":
- alias k=kubectl
- kubectx (switch between your Kubernetes clusters),
- Helm,
- Python pip,
- tfenv to switch between Terraform versions (you don't have to separately install Terraform),
- Docker,
- Docker Compose,
- Vim:
- add to ".vimrc" file in your home directory (start from the last position):
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g`\"" | endif